Edited by
Shane Murray
Diego Ramírez-Lovering Simon Whibley

In October 2006 RMIT University hosted a conference that brought focused discussion to the difficult relationship between architecture and general housing design. The reHousing conference provided a number of platforms for that discussion. Invited speakers, academics and local architectural practitioners all engaged with the broader design concerns relevant to the provision of general housing. The premise that architecture can make a valid contribution to the design of general housing underpinned this structure.

As Australian cities experience increasing housing demand and significant environmental pressures as a result, we view this contribution as increasingly important.

A key aim of the conference was to disseminate housing design research through the presentation of architectural projects. These submitted projects became the basis for this book. Through a student group at RMIT, the project drawings and diagrams were redrawn and further edited to provide a means for comparison across the diversity of selected projects. Presenting projects in this way reveals design knowledge relevant to the context of general housing. Alongside the projects we have included a series of essays addressing architecture’s contribution to these different urban and suburban housing contexts.

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